Programme Fees

Application Fee

A non-refundable application fee of $200.00 excl GST needs to be paid when you submit your application as either a certifier or auditor. If you would like to apply for both certifier and auditor appointment the total application fee is $300.00 plus GST, (please note this in your application)

Programme and Training Fee

Once your application has been accepted and approved, the programme and training fee will apply. A member of the appointment process team will contact you to confirm when the payment is due by, and payment must be received in full in order to progress through the training, practical assessment and appointment process.

Certifier: $1200 excl GST (plus an additional $1200 excl GST for the practical assessment, if required in your region)
Auditor: $700 excl GST
Both (Certifier and Auditor): $1800 excl GST (plus an additional $1200 excl GST for the practical assessment, if required in your region)

N.B. There may be additional regional council training costs that will be added to your fees (where applicable).

Annual Programme Fees 

As part of operating the appointment process, certifiers and auditors pay an annual fee which covers the cost of the following:

  • Situations where regional councils seek to discontinue a certifier or an auditor in their region

  • Provision of ongoing professional development for certifiers and auditors 

  • Quality assurance through reviews of certified freshwater farm plans and audits. 

Certifiers: $1200 excl GST
Auditors: $900 excl GST


You will have the option to pay your invoices either online, by direct credit, or credit card. The payment options are outlined fully in the invoices which will be emailed to you.

Retake Fees 

If for any reason you fail your national training, regional training or practical assessment, you may be offered the opportunity to retake it at your cost. 

Refunds for Partial Training

You may be eligible for a partial refund of national and / or regional training fees calculated on a pro-rata basis if you withdraw or fail an appointment process and do not progress to that stage of the process where the fees would normally be applied.

To request a refund, please email You will need to provide bank deposit slip, or a screenshot of the company’s bank statement showing the bank account details. AsureQuality will acknowledge receipt of the refund request within two working days.

Refund FAQs

  • We will refund the fees to the individual / organisation's debit /credit card that paid your fees.

  • Email with your query.  

  • The practical assessment process varies from Council to Council so we will work through this on a case-by-case basis. Please contact us on